Holy Crick Records

“Where we catch & release all the best hits!”

Photo courtesy of Todd Davis

Holy Crick Records, LLC is part-indie label, part-recorded sound services and music production company based in Central Pennsylvania’s Allegheny Mountains. We specialize in capturing sounds from the edge of town, words for the wild and weary, post-industrial mountain blues—hillbilly-soul.

Founders of Holy Crick Records and co-creators of the folk-rock, fantasy opera Rumble & Scream: Post-Industrial Sounds in Pennsylkrainia, Jordan Tyler Temchack and Bethany Temchack, derived the label’s name from the Ukrainian words for “Rumble & Scream” (гул і крик=Hul i Kryk), and the Central Pennsylvania slang-term for “creek.”

This is because Holy Crick Records is to serve as a reminder of our interconnectedness—a place where we commune through the universal language of music. It’s a sacred space where old spirits are reborn. Whether visiting glacial mountain springs, hemlock groves, or huddled around kitchen tables and campfire-rings—we’re all seeking the same thing.

We hope you’ll find the time to sit and listen, or to sing-along if the mood strikes, as we explore the post-industrial wilderness in search of new and ancient songs and stories to share. All we ask, is that you help us carry on the tradition!

Holy Crick Records, LLC

“Swimmin against the stream since 2023!”