Travis McCoy

Travis McCoy is a multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, audio engineer, mixing/mastering engineer, and music producer living and working in the mountains of Central Pennsylvania.

Throughout a period of less than three years—between August 2020 and December 2022—McCoy self-recorded and released three albums worth of acoustic guitar-driven, folk-based, life-studies in minimalism: Where I Want To Be (2020), Travis McCoy (2021), and Gainful Employment (2022).

In 2025, on [PLACE HOLDER], the fourth full-length album, independently-released under his own imprint, Butter Bean Music, we find McCoy taking a bold, new, more analog direction—recording all ten songs directly to tape on a Tascam four-track recorder. While the music is still all written, performed, and recorded by McCoy, there’s new instrumentation added to the mix with piano and organ filling in the always tastefully-simple arrangements.

McCoy entered the confluence of Holy Crick Records in 2023 by serving as the mixing and mastering engineer on Rumble & Scream’s first release.